Here you'll find other websites i enjoy or i think you should check out too.

Wally's Webpage

I found this website while searching for fun websites with [word] and that's how i came across this site! This website contains a lot of useful resources for making a cool neocities website. It also looks really epic and without it i probably wouldn't have a cool logo and a cool background for this website :P


A really fun website! It's made by one person but contains a LOT of games and fun pages, i suggest you check it out because it's basically neverending and really fun to visit. The pages range from a falling-sand game to a cooking game, from copy paste dump to an entire language and so on. It also has it's own discord server!

Another fun website that has a lot of games and other pages, nothing else to say :P.. They also made the password game and infinite craft which got VERY popular and i think neal should keep going, i find these projects very fun and i enjoy every piece of game he's made (also made absurd trolley problems, draw a perfect circle and so on)

This website is the equivalent of a rabbit hole! It's but more crazy, and that's probably the best way to describe it. There's a LOT of random but cool projects in the website, that includes kick the ball back (which i think is the only game that got really popular). It's really fun to check out and there's a lot to try.

This website has a LOT of old fonts that looks really cool. Not much else to say other than that this tool is really useful too.